September 2020 – Issue 21

Welcome to the “TEC TALK” Newsletter! We hope to provide you
with information about upcoming events and other items of
interest. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Please contact Edie Kirk at
Rev. Jane Beebe to start Sept. 13th as Supply Priest!
The Vestry is thrilled to share the news that Rev. Jane Beebe will serve as our Supply Priest three Sundays a month beginning Sept 13th through December 6th! This is a temporary arrangement as Trinity begins the process of recruiting a new Rector. Rev. Beebe is the Priest in Charge at Christ Memorial Church in North Brookfield. Some members of Trinity may remember that Jane spent several months at Trinity as a Seminarian, during the time that Randy Wilburn was interim. Jane will be offering church via Zoom, and Sunday serves will begin at 11:15 am. We will have more information about how to participate in Zoom soon. Our LEM’s will be bringing us Morning Prayer on Facebook the Sundays in Oct, Nov and Dec that Jane Beebe is not available.
New Church Boiler –
The Vestry has approved replacing the church boiler, which was manufactured in 1987. The new boiler system, purchased from Noonan Energy, will include (2) Buderus oil fired hot water boilers which will work together to heat the church with the highest level of efficiency currently available. Thanks to the Finance Committee for its diligence and to Pat Turley for helping to get the best possible price. The work will begin soon and be completed in before the heating season arrives. Funds for the boiler are coming in part from the Charles Peterson estate gift, and from savings from not having a full-time Rector for the remainder of 2020.
The Jubilee Cupboard Food Pantry needs help recycling the cardboard boxes it accumulates during the month. Boxes are broken down for easy transport. We have a volunteer to take one load to the dump once a month however there are enough boxes that two trips to recycling are usually necessary, which means that a second volunteer is needed. Please contact Edie Kirk at 636-219-4904 if you can help.
When will our church re-open?
New recommendations for services were received from the Diocese recently. Following approval at the Sept 17th meeting, the Vestry will be submitting a new plan for indoor services to our Deanery.
Church Directory:
Buffy is working on revisions to the Church Directory. If you have a new address or phone number, please call the church at 967-6100 and leave a message for Buffy.
Vestry minutes:
Please email Buffy if you would like to receive Vestry minutes. She will email them or mail them if you prefer.
Sept Birthdays:
Ava Jeffery (9-6), Jane Sterndale (9-10), Michelle Montanez (9-14), Brian Scott (9-27)
Chuckle for the Day:
Letters from Sunday school children to welcome a new Minister.
“Dear Pastor:
My father should have been the new minister instead of you. Every day he gives us a sermon about something.”
Dear Pastor:
I think a lot more people would come to our church if we moved it to a playground.”
Dear Pastor:
I am sorry I cannot leave more money in the plate, but my father did not give me a raise in my allowance. Could we have a sermon about a raise in my allowance?”
Letters from children to God:
Dear God:
“Are you really invisible or is it a trick?”
Dear God:
“Did you mean for the giraffe to look like that or was it a mistake?”
Dear God:
“Maybe Cain and Abel would not have hated each other so much if they had had their own rooms. It works for me and my brother.”