Church Service - in person

Follow Trinity Episcopal Church on Facebook for weekly service Live streams: https://m.facebook.com/trinitywarema/
For recent Facebook Live Streams please see below. We apologize for any difficulty you may have experienced during last week’s livestream. We experienced technical difficulties we believe we’ve resolved. Have a blessed day.
Easter Sunday
What to Expect
Dear Members and Friends of Trinity,
The prophets comforted the afflicted, and afflicted the comfortable. When we are opened up there is room for Grace.
This Sunday, the Third Sunday in Advent, we discover the JOY of the light breaking into the darkness.
We focus upon Mary, the bearer of light. We find hope in the promises of God. The Lord is coming, be awake. The Scriptures are:
Isaiah 61: 1-11 Luke 1: 47-55
Thessalonians 5: 16-24 John 1: 6-8, 19-28
Prayerfully read and reflect upon these verses to enrich your worship experience.
+Coffee Hour: After worship we will share a time for conversation. Thank you to those who make it happen.
+Thank You: Thanks to those who have returned their pledge cards and for those who will. We are blessed to be blessing.
And thanks to all who make our worship a beautiful experience.
+Sunday, December 24: 10am Fourth Sunday in Advent. At 4pm we celebrate the wonder and joy of our Christmas Candlelight Communion. There is no service Christmas Day.
+Sunday, December 31: Following our 10am worship we share in a pot luck luncheon. It is my last Sunday at Trinity. I have served congregations for 55 years and turn 81 years old.
Karin and I thank you for the years of your generous support and understanding during my illness. Doing ministry with you has given me joy and purpose. I will continue to read, research, and write in the months ahead. God is leading us all, and I pray we are open to where we may go.
Prayers Ascending
Pastor Randy Wilburn, Bridge Pastor
Trinity Episcopal Church welcomes you! When you join us for worship you will be greeted and given a bulletin that will help guide you through the order of the service. Episcopal services are based on The Book of Common Prayer which will be the red book in your pew.
During worship you will be able to follow along from the bulletin with the corresponding page numbers in The Book of Common Prayer. There will be several opportunities where you can enjoy or join in singing hymns. Music and words for the hymns are found in the blue hymnal in the pew.
Episcopal worship is centered around Communion, also known as The Holy Eucharist. All are invited to come forward and receive the bread and wine during communion, or if you would prefer you can come forward to receive a blessing by the priest or simply remain seated.
Services start at 10:00am on Sundays and typically last about one hour.
After service, please join us for downstairs for coffee hour in Morrill Hall. A chairlift is available if needed.
If you would like more information about the Episcopal Church or how to join or get involved please see a church member or send an email to secretary@trinityware.org.