Trinity reaches out to the community in many ways. We strive to meet the needs of our neighbors through our Jubilee Ministries: the Jubilee Food Cupboard and the Jubilee Diaper Ministry. We also have several Lay Ministries that help with activities of the church.
Jubilee Ministries

- Jubilee Food Cupboard – The Jubilee Cupboard provides monthly food assistance and is open Thursdays from 9:00am until noon. During our business hours you can come and receive a free box of food and look through our donated clothing and home goods. Last year we served over 800 individuals and families by giving out more than 91,000 pounds of food. For more information please call (413) 967-3274 or email Donations of non-perishable food are welcomed during open hours or a pre arranged convenient time. Food may also be donated to The Jubilee Cupboard at a drop off box at the Ware Big Y Supermarket. Monetary donations may be mailed to Jubilee Cupboard, P.O. Box 447, Ware, MA 01082
- Jubilee Diaper Ministry – The Jubilee Diaper Ministry provides monthly children’s diaper assistance. The diaper ministry is open Thursdays from 9:00am – noon. During our business hours, you can come and receive one free package of diapers for each child under the age of four living in your house. Last year we served over 90 families by giving out over 11,100 diapers and 1,500 pull ups . For more information email Barb Newton at Donations of diapers and wipes are welcomed during open hours or a pre-arranged convenient time. Monetary donations may be mailed to Jubilee Diaper Ministry, P.O. Box 447, Ware, MA 01082

Our Wish List Includes…
- Food Cupboard: Canned beans, fruit, cereal, beef stew, chili, pasta, and sauce top our most needed items!
- Diaper Ministry: Large sizes like 5 or 6 are desperately needed, but any donations of cash or diapers are greatly appreciated. Cash donations made to the Jubilee Cupboard are not used to purchase diapers. Thank you for your continued support!
Lay Ministries
Acolytes, from the Greek akolouthes meaning attendant, assist the priest in numerous ways during the liturgy. They carry the Processional Cross, torches, and Gospel book during processions. They receive Holy Communion elements of Bread and Wine and the Offertory Plate. And they assist the priest in preparing the altar for Communion, along with other duties. This ministry is open to youth from age 9 and up and also to adults. Our Acolytes are members of the International Order of St Vincent.
Altar Guild
The Liturgy begins and ends with the work done by the Altar Guild. Devoted members prepare all the things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist or any other sacraments or services of the church. The Altar Guild is responsible for the care of the Sacred Vessels, Linens, Hangings, Candles, Vestments, and Torches used for worship, as well as the Bread and Wine. This is a ministry of time and talent and a true privilege to serve God by the decoration and housekeeping of God’s house. Flowers are a welcomed donation to our altar.
For further information, please speak with Chris Jeffery, our Altar Guild Director.
Music has always been an integral part of Anglican Communion traditions within the Episcopal Church. The choir comes together during special holidays and church services. The choir participates and leads the congregation in the singing of the hymns and other liturgical music.
For more information, please speak with Patrick Turley, Organist and Choir Master.
Under the direction of the Treasurer, the counters are responsible for counting and categorizing all monies from the offerings at each service. They also prepare the deposit for the Treasurer.
For more information, please speak with our Treasurer, Tim Chagnon.
Lay Eucharist Minister
Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the Priest in both the Liturgy of the Word and the administration of the Holy Communion. In the absence of an Acolyte they assist in the preparation of the Altar. During the Liturgy of the Word they will read the Second Lesson (Epistle) as well as lead the Nicene Creed and the Prayers of the People. During the Holy Communion they assist the celebrant by administering the Chalice; as well as other duties the Priest may request.
This position requires a License from the Bishop after approval by the Vestry and training by the Priest. For more information, speak with Reid Jeffrey Sr. or Rev. Wilburn. The application for License can be obtained from this page at the Diocese of Western Massachusetts.
Lay Eucharist Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitors are licensed by the Bishop, after approval of the Rector and Vestry, to take the Consecrated Elements from a Holy Eucharist celebrated at church to shut-ins and administer Communion to them on behalf of the Parish family.
This ministry requires training from the Diocesan assigned officer and also Safe Church training. For more information speak with Rev. Wilburn. You can obtain the license application from this page at the Diocese of Western Massachusetts.
The application and current schedule for Safe Church Training can be obtained from the Diocesan website at Safe Church or from Mark Andrews, the Parish Safe Church Officer.
Lectors are responsible for reading the First Lesson in the service. This lesson is read from the Lectern in the Chancel of the Church.The Psalmist leads the congregation in the recitation of the Psalm.
For more information, please see Suzanne Chagnon.
The Ushers greet everyone as they enter the church and make sure that they have the Service Bulletin. Ushers also answer any questions visitors may have. They bring the Communion Elements at the Offertory to be blessed at the altar and receive the offertory plates, to receive offerings from the congregation and then bring them forward.
For more information, please speak with Suzanne Chagnon.