November 2020 – Issue 23

Welcome to the “TEC TALK” Newsletter! We hope to provide you
with information about upcoming events and other items of
interest. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Please contact Edie Kirk at
Vestry members needed for 2021:
There are several openings for Vestry members for 2021 including Sr. Warden. Trinity is also in need of a Treasurer. If you are interested in being on Vestry, serving as Treasurer or one of the Wardens, please contact Edie Kirk or Mark Andrews. 2021 will be a year of new beginnings for Trinity and you will have the opportunity to help chart the future for our wonderful church.
Did you receive a packet in the mail?
By now, you should have received a packet of financial information giving you current information about Trinity’s financial situation and some ideas to help bring in new revenue. Please take the time to review this information, and if you have questions, call a Vestry member, and ask your question(s). Vestry will be voting at the Nov 17th meeting. The Vestry really wants to hear from members of the congregation! Thank you!
At the Annual Meeting last January… (A note from one of our church members)
I participated in Mother Mary’s “word” activity at last year’s Annual Meeting.
Everyone who attended took turns drawing paper stars preprinted with a word. We were to ponder our word and report back in 2021! I waited my turn, pulled the star which “called to me”, read it silently, and tucked it into my papers.
I had NO IDEA at the time, how much “my word” would be needed in the days to come!
I have, since that Sunday last winter, thought about and prayed over and about “my word”, EVERY DAY! Sometimes, more than once, and no less than 10 times a day!
I can list THOUSANDS of ways “my word” is needed now by SO MANY!
In my ‘pod’, I pray for this for myself, my partner, my family, my children and granddaughters, my church family, my community, our nation, the planet!
So many aspects of our world need ” my word”, that its time I share it!
Before I do, however, I have found my words power through the following…
Friends, Laughter, Joy, Hugs and Kisses,
I also know now; it is THE BEST GIFT EVER!
may it be YOUR gift as well!
with hope for HEALING love and prayers,
Mary Beth Shirzadi
“Praise God from whom all blessing flow”
Stewardship: Why do you give to Trinity?
Ezra: I give to spread the goodness of God’s kingdom because everything comes from God and His love for us.
Jane S: I give to support and continue the mission of Trinity “to reach out to the community and the world and to welcome all into a relationship with Jesus Christ” and to share all that I am and all that I have to make this happen.
Edie K: I give volunteer time at the Diaper Ministry because I believe each of us is called to help members of our community in ways that match our talents, our passions, and our life experiences.
Trinity Secretary Change of Hours:
The Vestry voted in September to reduce the hours of the Church Secretary from 12 hours a week to 6 hours a week. This decision was based on two factors: 1) the decrease in projects and assignments resulting from not having a Rector and 2) the need to reduce expenses given Trinity’s current financial situation. Buffy will continue to come to the church office Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings to deliver the mail, check phone messages and do whatever other work needs to be completed in the office. She has also been given approval to work from home on projects such as church bulletins and website updates as needed. The Sexton will continue to work 3 hours a week.
Prayer list:
Please keep Rev. Jane Beebe, Joe Zegarra, Ann Turley, Sandy Ulen and Jean Andresen in your prayers for continuing improvements in their health and wellness.
Help Needed to run the Diaper Ministry in 2021
Edie and Dave Kirk have decided to split their retirement time between Mass and Penn – “following the grandchildren”. They have purchased a second home in PA and will be moving half their belongings the first week in Nov. They expect to spend about 51% of their time in Mass, which will remain their primary residence. “Our Mass grandchildren are getting older and they don’t have as much time to do things with their grandparents. The Penn grandkids are still small enough to want to carve pumpkins and play pool with Nana and Grandpa Dave. We are blessed to be able to do this – we will miss being as involved in Trinity and other organizations as we have been however we are excited to be able to go to school plays and concerts, baseball and soccer games. As a result, the Diaper Ministry needs a new leader. It does not take much time and it is really rewarding.” Please call Edie Kirk (636-219-4904) to learn more!
November Birthdays:
Mark Andrews (11-4), Natalie Alexander Andrews (11-5), Ruth Mattson (11-30)
From Barbara Bernard, Columnist with The Republican, Oct 8, 2020
Sunday School Children’s Answers to questions about the Old and New Testaments
- The Egyptians were all drowned in the dessert. Afterward Moses went up to Mount Cyanide to get the ten commands.
- St. John the Blacksmith dumped water on Jesus’ head.
- One of the opossums was St. Mathew who was also a taximan.
Stay Well and Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!