September 2019 – Issue 8
Welcome to the “TEC TALK” Newsletter! We hope to provide you
with information about upcoming events and other items of
interest. Your feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Please contact Edie Kirk at
Trinity Episcopal Church Thanks You! Sunday Sept 15th is going to be a special day of thanks to every member of our church. You won’t want to miss this wonderful celebration during the 10 am service!
Trinity Youth Have Decided! After lots of discussion about what causes and organizations should receive the Youth Mission funds of $500, the Youth decided as follows:
$100 to Thirst Project, which, with the support of young people, works to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water (;
$100 to Clearwater Marine Aquarium which works to preserve our environment while inspiring the human spirit through leadership in the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of marine life (;
$100 to Episcopal Relief and Development which serves to bring together the generosity of Episcopalians and others with the needs of the world, specifically it provides relief during disasters and promotes sustainable development by identifying and addressing root causes of suffering (;
$100 to Shriners Hospitals which work to provide the highest quality of care to children with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn injuries and other special healthcare needs within a compassionate, family-centered care environment (; and
$100 to be used for Care Packages for homeless members of our community. Personal care items, snacks, and cards with well wishes will be packed and distributed by our Youth in December.
Website addresses have been noted if you would like to learn more about the organizations our Youth have chosen because of their own passions and interests. Our Youth will also let our congregation know when they are gathering items for the Care Packages for the Homeless to allow us to support this wonderful project!
WOW – have you seen the new doors on the Davis Building! Thanks again to the Community Foundation of Western MA for the grant funds to replace the doors and build the roof over the delivery entrance for Jubilee Cupboard!
A Big Thank You to Christ Memorial Church North Brookfield for an awesome donation of diapers and baby wipes for the Jubilee Diaper Ministry. Warden Sue Lewandowski let the congregation know that the annual Diaper Drive was happening in August and they decided to help!
Pumpkins and Ponies Fundraiser is returning on Saturday Oct 5th at Grenville Park from
10 am – 2 pm! We will need volunteers to help sell food, assist youngsters with the pony rides, and help with games.
Brunch Paint and Sip – October 19th – 10 am – Put this on your calendar now so you hold the date! This is a fundraiser for Trinity’s mission fund, and Brunch is included as well as guided painting instructions on a beautiful “4 Seasons Tree”. Register at, click on Travel Calendar and go to October 19th. If you need help registering, contact Suzanne Chagnon. The artist is with “Brush-It-Off” Sturbridge. The cost is $35 per person. All supplies are included. Get a few friends and come together!
Newcomer’s Committee – The committee met on August 7th and decided to update the Usher’s responsibilities. USHERS – an updated Usher’s Tasks List will be coming soon! Please watch for it. Congregation members, please help to welcome Visitors by introducing yourself, making sure they have a bulletin, and inviting them to come for coffee hour.
Next Vestry meeting:
The next meeting is September 10th in Morrill Hall at 6:30 pm. All members of Trinity are welcome to attend.
Fair and Flea – Sept 21st:
We’ve decided not to participate this year – it seems we have all given our Flea Market items away in past years! Maybe next year.
Birthdays for September:
Ava Jeffery (9-6), Jane Sterndale (9-10), Michelle Montanez (9-14), Brian Scott (9-27), and Happy Birthday to anyone born in September who is keeping her or his birthdate a secret!!
Chuckle: Why didn’t they play cards on the Ark? Because Noah was always standing on the deck!